Celebs Who Took Huge Secrets To The Grave

Some celebs lived their whole lives without us ever finding out their secrets. But the truth doesn’t always stay private, especially once a star has passed away. Here are celebs who took huge secrets to their graves.

After Prince Rogers Nelson passed away in 2016, secrets began to emerge about the music legend but they weren’t salacious. Many of the things we learned about him after his death surrounded his philanthropic efforts.

Van Jones, an environmentalist who worked on the Green Jobs Act, told Rolling Stone about a $50,000 check he received from an anonymous donor around 2006. Jones, who wasn’t in the business of accepting anonymous checks, returned it to the sender. But it came back … this time with a phone call. Watch the video for more about celebs who took huge secrets to the grave!

#Prince #GeorgeMichael

Prince | 0:14
George Michael | 1:24
Gene Wilder | 2:03
Rock Hudson | 2:50
Anthony Perkins | 3:45


  1. The late great Tony Perkins who was bi-sexual and died of AIDS was also married to photographer Berry Bereson who died on Flight 11 out of Boston on 9/11…one of the planes that smashed into the WTC! She was on the way back to L.A. to be with their two sons who both lost their parents sadly to great tragedies! Another Hollywood star who took secrets to his grave was the late Peter Lawford who was married to Pat Kennedy Lawford,sister of the late great JFK! Lawford had fixed JFK up with the late great Marilyn Monroe before their affair and had gone over to MM's home before the authorities arrived to get rid of any incriminating evidence. He knew far more than he ever let on before he died from alcoholism and drug addiction! His son actor Christopher Kennedy Lawford, had had a heroin addiction and writes about his addiction in his book, "Symptoms of Withdrawal"…he died a few years ago while doing hot Yoga in Vancouver, Canada. I'm sure he took the same secrets to his grave as his father! Thanks for sharing N.S~

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